The newest
artist to emerge in Hip-Hop, King Drey, is set to release his latest E.P.,
'KINGS MIND', and is making waves in the hip-hop music scene.
King Drey is an artist with an impressive resume, having released multiple singles that all achieved success in the music industry. With his newest project, he is determined to create a unique and strong presence in the genre.
In the build up to the release of 'KINGS MIND', King Drey has been hard at work creating a sound that he feels will resonate with hip-hop fans. In interview, King Drey has described the project as having a heavier and more intense sound than his prior releases, as well as being more focused in his lyrical approach.
In his own words, King Drey stated “For KINGS MIND, I wanted to craft an E.P that was a reflection of my current state in life.
His latest
project, KINGS MIND, is an EP set to be released toward the end of March.
It is an
exploration of King Drey's personal identity and his own struggle to break free
of the mundane life he was once entrenched in.Through the creative use of
instrumentals, orchestration and hip hop beats, Drey is transporting his
listeners on an odyssey into the depths of his psyche.
Each track
on this EP plays a unique part in portraying and expressing the raw emotion of
his thoughts and experiences.
Article By Marlone_Descants | Mutare_Ent
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♥️♥️ King Drey's music, yes way to go!